Garden Feng Shui
This garden for a young family has both challenges and good potential. All placements described below are according to the appropriate rings of the Chue Style Lo Pan.
The Form
The plot is quite small, located on sloping ground between the street and a car park. The left- and right-hand sides of the plot are not balanced, with an energy leak on the male side and a very uninteresting area on the female side. By stopping the leak with a solid fence, the father now travels substantially less in his work. By planting a pretty garden tree on the female side, life gets more pleasant and easy for the mother. To make the energy stay around the house the sloping ground is turned into a level terrace with a well-defined edge and with stairs on both sides of the house down to the lower ground. The flat part of land on lower ground is extended by erecting a retaining wall and filled up. There’s still a sudden drop of three meters down to the ground below. A house protecting charm prevents any adverse effects from this. Of course, a good date was selected for putting up the charm.
The Energy
A new gate is opened in a certain direction in the East to bring good energy to the main door. The old gate is moved a little to the side and reangled to keep the good chi on the plot. The main door is twisted slightly so that the energy flow brings money to the house. A row of three mobile transmitters on the rooftop of the shopping centre close by causes bad energy. This is cured by a certain Chue Style Feng shui method by placing a pond in a carefully calculated position. To enhance the areas with the best energy, we make them pretty and put something nice there.
Special Chue Style Feng Shui Methods
Applying Chue Style Feng Shui in garden design gives wonderful result. We’re able to identify particularly powerful positions in the garden and make good use of them. In this case a young, self-sown pretty bush is already present in one place. It should be enhanced and made even prettier by adding nice ferns and small moss-covered boulders on the ground. Furthermore, two positions are pointed out for planting two carefully selected species of trees. One of them is a small maple selected for its feminine features like an open and elegant canopy with small leaves and flowers (yes, take a close look in spring) and beautiful autumn colours. The other one is a pussy willow selected for its early bushy flowers, it’s flexible branches and thrifty character. A bird bath is precisely placed. The outside sitting area is in good energy, as well as the children’s play area.
Now the garden is under construction and the family is very happy with the plans which are carefully followed by the landscape gardener.
The Form
The plot is quite small, located on sloping ground between the street and a car park. The left- and right-hand sides of the plot are not balanced, with an energy leak on the male side and a very uninteresting area on the female side. By stopping the leak with a solid fence, the father now travels substantially less in his work. By planting a pretty garden tree on the female side, life gets more pleasant and easy for the mother. To make the energy stay around the house the sloping ground is turned into a level terrace with a well-defined edge and with stairs on both sides of the house down to the lower ground. The flat part of land on lower ground is extended by erecting a retaining wall and filled up. There’s still a sudden drop of three meters down to the ground below. A house protecting charm prevents any adverse effects from this. Of course, a good date was selected for putting up the charm.
The Energy
A new gate is opened in a certain direction in the East to bring good energy to the main door. The old gate is moved a little to the side and reangled to keep the good chi on the plot. The main door is twisted slightly so that the energy flow brings money to the house. A row of three mobile transmitters on the rooftop of the shopping centre close by causes bad energy. This is cured by a certain Chue Style Feng shui method by placing a pond in a carefully calculated position. To enhance the areas with the best energy, we make them pretty and put something nice there.
Special Chue Style Feng Shui Methods
Applying Chue Style Feng Shui in garden design gives wonderful result. We’re able to identify particularly powerful positions in the garden and make good use of them. In this case a young, self-sown pretty bush is already present in one place. It should be enhanced and made even prettier by adding nice ferns and small moss-covered boulders on the ground. Furthermore, two positions are pointed out for planting two carefully selected species of trees. One of them is a small maple selected for its feminine features like an open and elegant canopy with small leaves and flowers (yes, take a close look in spring) and beautiful autumn colours. The other one is a pussy willow selected for its early bushy flowers, it’s flexible branches and thrifty character. A bird bath is precisely placed. The outside sitting area is in good energy, as well as the children’s play area.
Now the garden is under construction and the family is very happy with the plans which are carefully followed by the landscape gardener.