New Senior Masterclass - San Sats 1
This is a brand new course and the San Sat are very effective and important in Bazi, Date Selection, I Ching, Yearly and Personal predictions. This course is offering 4 days to Susanna Senior Master ...
Yearly Predictions
Grand Master Chan has researched and developed very accurate methods to predict up and coming events for the following year. His yearly predictions on worldly affairs, government issues and the energ ...
Personal Fate
Grand Master Chan has developed this course over the years with great precision on how to interpret the Yearly Fate of a person using the Moving Life House Method. This is based on the yearly positio ...
Yuen Hom 1
The Yuen Hom Hexagram Kwas are the secret weapon of Chue Style Feng Shui. If you understand how the different 64 Kwas relate to each other around the compass you can gain tools to improve a site, pla ...
Yuen Hom 1
Yuen Hom 1 montre que la puissance et la complexité des 64 kwas ne connaissent pas de limites ! Le cours Yuen Hom 1 vous donne un aperçu des "liens familiaux" autour de la boussole, y compris ...
Combination Charms
The Combination Charms course is a continuation course from the initial Charms Course taught in 2014. With a total of 24 charms that will help you solve a variety of problems from the feng shui of a p ...