Grand Master Chan's Yearly Prediction 2023
Every year Grand Master Chan studies the balance of energy for the year on a global basis and then illustrates to his students the strengths and the vulnerabilities of the year ahead through a Yearly Prediction. The accuracy of the advice given never ceases to amaze and this year is no exception:
February 3rd 2023
This is the day before the 1st Day of Spring in the Chinese Calendar and as such is a day that Chue practitioners do not use for anything important because of the weakness of the chi. At 17:00 hrs on this day a police car arrived at a neighbour’s home to attend a reported incident of domestic violence.
The property sits in a North – Northeast direction from my house. Grand Master Chan’s monthly forecast for February 2023 - the Northeast and North directions:
The Chee Ba flying stars in the Northeast 8, 7, 2: “2 Black sickness star is visiting and supports the 7 Star Por Kwan causing gossip: eat well to stay strong and don’t talk too much in gatherings:”
SAN SATS 神煞 - Sitting in the Northeast 丑 for the year of 2023
Pau Mei 豹尾 : The Jaguar’s tail - step on this and he will bite back with vengeance.
Ng Gwai 五鬼 : The 5 Ghosts - the ghosts love to cause any form of disruption.
Gwa Suk 寡宿 : Female Sleeps alone - the accused partner left the home.
The Chee Ba flying stars in the North 1, 5, 9: “9 fire visiting supports the sickness 5. The sickness can be sex disease or kidney problems. All the stars are yang, and anything can happen very fast. Avoid going out at night, especially for romance in the North. The 2nd son should not mess about.
The incident erupted from nowhere: The accused is the 2nd son of his family.
SAN SATS 神煞 - Sitting in the North ⼦ for the year 2023
Sam Yeung 三刑 : 3 Punishments – avoid getting in trouble with the law.
Gun Si 捲舌 : Rolling Tongue that attracts gossip.
Ham Gee咸池 : Salacious Pool – attracts messy relationships.
The Northwest carries a vulnerability to sickness in 2023: This is particularly relevant to a property with a Northwest back: the property I am referring sits with its back in the Northwest. The advice is to avoid alcohol as this can irritate and make the sickness/matters worse.
The purpose of understanding the strengths and the vulnerabilities of the energy of the year, through the advice from Grand Master Chan’s Yearly Prediction, is to be prepared. To know where the “enemy” sits is to be on your guard and to avoid being caught out by the potential challenges. The best approach is to keep the area, and hence the energy, fresh to discourage the Bad Stars.
February 3rd 2023
This is the day before the 1st Day of Spring in the Chinese Calendar and as such is a day that Chue practitioners do not use for anything important because of the weakness of the chi. At 17:00 hrs on this day a police car arrived at a neighbour’s home to attend a reported incident of domestic violence.
The property sits in a North – Northeast direction from my house. Grand Master Chan’s monthly forecast for February 2023 - the Northeast and North directions:
The Chee Ba flying stars in the Northeast 8, 7, 2: “2 Black sickness star is visiting and supports the 7 Star Por Kwan causing gossip: eat well to stay strong and don’t talk too much in gatherings:”
SAN SATS 神煞 - Sitting in the Northeast 丑 for the year of 2023
Pau Mei 豹尾 : The Jaguar’s tail - step on this and he will bite back with vengeance.
Ng Gwai 五鬼 : The 5 Ghosts - the ghosts love to cause any form of disruption.
Gwa Suk 寡宿 : Female Sleeps alone - the accused partner left the home.
The Chee Ba flying stars in the North 1, 5, 9: “9 fire visiting supports the sickness 5. The sickness can be sex disease or kidney problems. All the stars are yang, and anything can happen very fast. Avoid going out at night, especially for romance in the North. The 2nd son should not mess about.
The incident erupted from nowhere: The accused is the 2nd son of his family.
SAN SATS 神煞 - Sitting in the North ⼦ for the year 2023
Sam Yeung 三刑 : 3 Punishments – avoid getting in trouble with the law.
Gun Si 捲舌 : Rolling Tongue that attracts gossip.
Ham Gee咸池 : Salacious Pool – attracts messy relationships.
The Northwest carries a vulnerability to sickness in 2023: This is particularly relevant to a property with a Northwest back: the property I am referring sits with its back in the Northwest. The advice is to avoid alcohol as this can irritate and make the sickness/matters worse.
The purpose of understanding the strengths and the vulnerabilities of the energy of the year, through the advice from Grand Master Chan’s Yearly Prediction, is to be prepared. To know where the “enemy” sits is to be on your guard and to avoid being caught out by the potential challenges. The best approach is to keep the area, and hence the energy, fresh to discourage the Bad Stars.