Master Chue Kay
Chue Style Feng Shui Foundation A -online
A pre requisite of any future Chue Style Feng Shui studies, Foundation Course A is the key to open the door to the Chue knowledge.
This course introduces a student to the basic tools of the trade in a Feng Shui or Ba Zi consultant's tool box, tools that help to interpret the language of nature and the immense impact nature has on the life of man.
Topics include an understanding of Life Force Energy and Chi and the impact this has on the environment and the people within it, Form and Compass School and their services on behalf of nature, Yin and Yang and the impact these two aspects have on our whole existence and on individual family members, the Lo-Shu River Map and the implication of the Flying Stars that this generates, and the 12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac and their roles, to name just a few topics in this immensely valuable course.
Course : Chue Style Feng Shui Foundation A - ONLINE
Language : English
School : Imperial School of Feng Shui London: Dubai
This is the Module A course that is taught online
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