Master Olga Nalivkina-Barberis
It was my choice not to have my own school, but to dedicate my time and interest to some particular subjects of Feng Shui I am passionate about. These are Spiritual Charms, horoscopes, Chui Yi, I Ching, body and hand analyses, personal predictions, Chi Qong. In short, I am dealing with all that has to with individual energy and personal development. My goal is to help people understand themselves and give them some tools to create a better, more balance and harmonious life, to show the way to create beauty. It may sound idealistic, but it is the highest aspiration of the Taoist and Buddhist spirituality. I have chosen to stay in the light and follow the way of loving and understanding kindness for myself and would like to share it with those, who are searching for the sense and meaning.
Master Olga Nalivkina-Barberis -
Mobile Number:
41796326887 -
E-mail Address: -
Versoix, Geneva -